Sitrep ops starburst nh 2016


Dari celetukan “Udah mau 17an nih…” di bulan Juli lalu, koordinasi dimulai di awal bulan Agustus dengan mengontak para koordinator di wilayah Jabodetabek + Bandung. Proses farming PK pun dimulai dengan malakin teman-teman yang sering datang ke Vila Pertiwi buat farming dan distribusi PK sejumlah kurang lebih 1500 buah bikin para agents bertandang sampai juga ke luar daerah operasinya dan malah nggak sempat foto-foto karena keasikan ngobrolin yang lain.

Dipersiapkan dengan pengalihan di sana-sini dari seminggu sebelumnya, tanggal 16 Agustus 2016 operator map mulai buka layar memandu tim destroyer yang bergerak buka cross / tunnel, begadang sampai pagi kejar target waktu. Dengan kesiapan linkers, mendekati pukul 07.00 WIB portal Masjid Nurul Huda & jalur clear, link pertama ke portal anchor masuk di jam 07.04 dari portal Calligraphy Allah dan disusul link masuk pukul 07.06 dari portal Baitul Hikmah Mosque di jalur Alternatif Cibubur lalu Depok sekitarnya menyusul. Setelah cross di cluster UP dibuka, pukul 07.18 link dari Ragunan mulai berdatangan. Selanjutnya linkers dari Bogor dan Bandung pun mulai link ke NH. Sampai pukul 09.12 diumumkan 1k links terhubung ke anchor.

Rupanya ada tetangga yang (mungkin) gerah lihat garis hijau di scanner, anchor pun down oleh virus tepat di pukul 09.35 WIB. Free links dimulai dan ops 17 Agustus tahun ini pun berakhir dengan #1197 links terhubung ke portal Masjid Nurul Huda.

Highlights of the ops?
Portal decoy nggak bisa di flip, guardian kena (maafkan kami hiks), cerita linker yang putar balik di jalan karena bikin field hehehe, ADA yang menghilang pun bikin pusing!

Bagaimana pun juga, banyak kisah dan cerita yang tidak bisa dijabarkan satu-satu di tulisan ini tapi pasti terwakilkan lewat cerita tim yang bergabung dalam ops Starburst NH 2016, maka dengan ini kami mengucapkan selamat sukses dan terima kasih atas kerjasamanya;


  • @ChLoroFeeL
  • @Adhenoid
  • @AngkasaOne
  • @Awancha
  • @beatthebeat
  • @BetaMaluku
  • @BlockedAccount
  • @CendolIjo
  • @darulputra
  • @DrMehmetOz
  • @DYPD27
  • @Exscript
  • @L0T
  • @myndoz
  • @Raumdeuter
  • @RealSTR
  • @renstaft
  • @Rhikimaru
  • @RichieBlackmore
  • @SativaOryza
  • @SiHijau
  • @TheAlphaRP
  • @WorldKey


  • @3SN4
  • @AIR30
  • @Dem0nHunt3r
  • @Etamada
  • @IMVI
    au revoir du vert @MomyDino
    au revoir du vert @Physicoo
  • @Wimzz


Pamulang – BSD

  • @asuransi
  • @BabyELF
  • @DUWI57
  • @kodokboom
  • @TextMissing
  • @TheJuly95
  • @TheMadboyz07
  • @zero2seven


  • @bluppy
  • @CowC0r1ent
  • @DaunLapan
  • @MidoriKen
  • @PasarMalem


  • @3471N64N
  • @amirudisinyo
  • @Ariendas
  • @begundalz
  • @dagrep
  • @dealer21
  • @FAKUY
  • @garuda74
  • @Golun1st
  • @HelloBeo
  • @HIJAU
  • @isnuryusuf
  • @jehoovah
  • @kahfiagadio
  • @lebahbiru
  • @LecheenX
  • @ledick
  • @mblegedhus
  • @Profelcisam
  • @rednibiru
  • @roguejosh
  • @ryolasta
  • @SaturnRhey
  • @SiapaNih
  • @sijabrikunik
  • @suratundra
  • @thebrandalz
  • @UltraMimi
  • @wawan12345
  • @xRFIx


  • @Blessthefall
  • @bargetalu09
  • @OPside
  • @siitikBurukRupa
  • @SubTankMini

Jika ada nama agent yang terlewatkan, silakan japri untuk ralat post ini. Pun hapunteun tak di tag ke G+nya masing-masing, hatur nuhun. Salute!

Viva la Enlightened Indonesia!
#RI71 #starburst #1197 #ENLFTW

+Ingress Indonesia Enlightened​ +NIA Ops​

Begins with a reminder that soon we will enter the month of August, where #IndonesiaIndependenceDay is to be celebrated, several people starts portal keys farming and coordination throughout Jabodetabek area. Since the to-be-anchor is a farming area, it is easier to ask each agents coming to farm inventories the so said portal key. Around 1500 portal keys were collected by the farmers ( :stuck_out_tongue: )and were distributed to the coordinators that in turns gave it to linkers in their area.

The ops was started with decoy ops and tunnels here and there a week before the D-Day. On 16 August, commcen connected to Ingress Intel and guides the destroyers to open cross/tunnels within their operative area. In hurry of deadline, these teams were up till morning comes. Around 7 AM, Masjid Nurul Huda portal was flipped and destroyed to be immune for an hour. Resdef live the portal, tunnel from Situ Studio Alam portal was flipped and on 07.04 first link established from Ciputat,along with links from Cibubur, Depok and Parung area. Up next was links established from Bogor and Bandung. Arond 09.12 the commcen claimed that links connected to anchor have reached 1K YEAY!
Appearantly, our anchor is such a great lure for the RES that some of their agents coming and attacking. Glad that our resdef were able to keep it up, but on 09.35 the anchor was flipped by one of the RES agent from Bogor. And so the ops was ended and concluded that there were #1197 links established.

Highlights of the ops? Many stories, including a decoy portal of Galeri Jalanan that cannot be flip by its owner, guardian down during the clearance before 2 days D-Day, stories coming from linkers and destroyers that were overwhelmingly funny, commcens that keeping up with the ops from in front of the screen, and many more which cannot be told merely because it was for another storytelling time.
However this Starburst NH 2016 ops was a success and we congratulates each of you and thank you for every coordination reached

Salute you agents!

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