OPS Sayap Garuda 2.0

OPS Sayap Garuda 2.0


Menutup seluruh atau sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia dengan Control Fields Hijau.


Sabtu, 22 September 2018
Pukul 11.00 WIB, 12.00 WITA, 13.00 WIT


Berikut adalah kota yang dijadikan anchor untuk OPS Sayap Garuda 2.0:

  • Medan
  • Garut
  • Tarakan
  • Enrekang
  • Manado
  • Australia


OPS mencapai target dengan berhasil dibentuknya Control Fields (CF) sebanyak 16 CF dengan MUs yang terbesar adalah 81.4 juta dan total MUs adalah 350 juta ++

CF Hijau hampir menutupi wilayah Indonesia, namun sayang karena tidak adanya kesempatan untuk destroy crosslink biru Sorong-Australia maka terpaksa CF, bahkan minimal hanya link, ke area timur Indonesia tersebut dibatalkan.


Tonton video OPS Sayap Garuda 2.0 disini:


@159HoutaruLGR Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@audazel Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@GrafDyfh Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@Penggaris Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents


@Bumbleb3e Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@KingOfMagic Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@kiweeen Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@Madlich007 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@MbahGreget Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@z0mbiecastle Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents


@BIessthefall Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@D34d5 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@dhenny54 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@gazmani Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@GeneiaDupont Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@Gio037 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@gotham17 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@KimYooone Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@KingOfTsuTsu Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@kopiHideung89 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@KriLex Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@KUTUBUSUK Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@LionParnaSPA Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@Menre Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@Muhun22 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@napex Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@ndadash Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@OrangeDragon Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@Raumdeuter13 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@ShappersUnity Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@siItikBurukRupa Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@TE12m1NAT0R99 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@tonarmstrong Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@UncleJarvis Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@wedocare Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

Pre-OPS Support

@BillyCooI Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@CupuGan Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@dagrep Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@enl87 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@ErickGonata Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@HeatExchanger Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@Reminiszenz Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@RogueAlexls Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@shaulawindy Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
@TheMiloo Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

Pesan Kesan

@159HoutaruLGR Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Phinisi)

“Ketiduran Terus akoh”

@Alexyiie (Medan)


@audazel Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (East Team)

“Next time kita sampai WIT kawan”

@BIessthefall (Bandung Barat)

“tergede senasional!”

@BillyCooI Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Degor)

“Nunggu yang lain aja, saya sih ketawa aja”

@Bumbleb3e Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

“Mantap Agen​:muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:”

@Ceil16 (Tasikmalaya)

“Good job”

@D34d5 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Sumedang-bandung)


@dhenny54 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Sumbar)

“Alhamdulillah berjalan lancar walau ada korban seekor kucing dan sudah dikuburkan.”

@enl87 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Malang)

“mantul terkoordinasi dengan cukup baik sayangnya masih kurang 1 field timur”

@ErickGonata Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Pekanbaru, Riau)

“Selama main Ingress ± 4tahun baru sekali ini ikut ops nasional meskipun cmn support contact2 Agent buat TD Crosslink. Juga baru skali liat Indo ketutupan by ENL Indo. Mantap lah. Keren. Sering-sering Ommm hehe”

@gazmani Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Brunei)

“To ask someone with permission to bring me into portal site as it is private property, thus no trespassing to access the portal”

@GeneiaDupont Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

“Mantap djiwa”

@Gio037 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

“B aja hmm 3 jam”

@gotham17 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Bandung)


@GrafDyfh Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

“Kalian semua Luar Biasa, ENL hebat sampe sebelah Harus make Hantu buat hancurinnya”

@KingOfTsuTsu Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

“Setiap orang pasti ada kesalahan dan kelengahan, namun kesempurnaan hanya milik sang pencipta”

@kiweeen Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

“Dzuara edan lah OPSnya”

@kopiHideung89 plus.google.com/+LutfAbdalloh(Tasikmalaya)

“Keren lah…”

@KUTUBUSUK Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Bandung)

“sangat baik dalam adaptasi perubahan plan dan pembagian tugas, juga cukup melibatkan banyak region sehingga mengangkat semangat Enlightened Indonesia secara keseluruhan”

@LionParnaSPA Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Tasikmalaya, Cikoneng Ciamis)

“Pagi hari ngojek dulu. Jam 10 kurang langsung berangkat ke banjar dari Tasikmalaya. Sekitar 10.30 sudah sampai di banjar sungguh panas waktu itu sampai baju pun basah. Sambil nunggu aba2 ku buka bagasi, ku ambil langsung suruput minum segarnya minum, he.
Pukul 10.45 ng-ADA alun2 Banjar, ketika mau melanjutkan hp jatuh dan langsung mati, dan agak susah dihidupkn kembali.
Setelah ng-ADA semua portal langsung menuju & destroy portal Stasiun Banjar sambil ngopi. Nunggu 10 menit langsung balik kanan, pulang.”

@LUCKYthePOOH (Lampung)

“Sesuatu yang kosong akan lebih baik bila cepat2 diisi, HATI misalnya
eh CF maksudnya,”

@MbahGreget Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Binjai, Medan)

“Senengnya bisa ikut Ops Nasional ini. Padahal belom sampai setahun main udah di ajak ikutan Ops Nasional. Trims untuk temen temen Enl Seindonesia. We are the best :heart_eyes:. #VivaLaEnlightened”

@Menre Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Tasikmalaya-Garut)

“Asli keren,. Sneng bisa bantu”

@muhun22 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Bogor)

“Kerja sama tim yang sangat bagus, degdegan nya dapet, greget nya dapet dan semoga ada ops seperti ini lagi”

@napex Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Yogyakarta)


@Ombong (Phinisi)

“Ops nasional ini menjadi pengalaman tak terlupakan, salut buat agent2 se INDONESIA”

@OntaKutub +Ignatius Martin (Bandung)

“Ramai,persiapan mepet tapi saat dijalankan cukup baik”

@Penggaris Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Yogyakarta)

“Ops harus koordinasi dengan banyak orang, banyak agent dan harus saling memahami. Jadi, makin sering ops, makin dekat kita, makin paham keperluan, kesulitan, kelebihan, dan kelemahan. Walau saya hanya ikut di detik” akhir, tapi rasanya opa berhasil itu emg mantep bgt. Wkkwwkkw"

@R124LL +Rizal mandala (Purwakarta)


@Raumdeuter13 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Degor)

“Hasil akhirnya cakep! Meskipun mesti dihancurkan oleh spoofer.”

@rezhah (Bandung)

“Ena Ena Ena”

@RogueAlexls Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Penang, Malaysia)

“Billy is a very energetic and awesome ops”

@SativaOryza +BudimanPanji (Degor)

“Ops kali ini adalah ops yang membuat kita bersatu meski terpisah oleh jarak dan waktu bahkan laut”

@ShappersUnity Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Sumbagut)

“Mantul Gan”

@shaulawindy Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Balikpapan)


@siItikBurukRupa Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Bandung)

“Berkesan juara pokoknya,next harus ada lagi”

@TE12m1NAT0R99 Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Karawaci)

“Luar Biasa”

@tonarmstrong Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents +Ton Armsrtong (Bandung)

“naizzz ops :metal::metal::metal:”

@WARcorpsEnlight (Tangerang)


@weheroo (Degor)

“Memberikan yg terbaik untuk INDONESIA :blush:”

@wy10 (Lampung)

“Walau ngaret waktu, tapi hasil sangat takjub”

@z0mbiecastle Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents (Bandung)

“Mantaaaap klw bisa 2/3 bulan sekali”

@VGAlfath (Riau)

“Kerja samanya keren, sehingga misi ops berhasil dijalankan”

Dokumentasi Intel

Dokumentasi Scanner

Bukti Eksis


Selamat dan terima kasih kepada seluruh Enlightened agents yang terlibat secara langsung di lapangan, di ruang operator dan mereka yang bekerja dibelakang layar mempersiapkan OPS sehingga OPS Sayap Garuda 2.0 berjalan sesuai rencana dan berhasil mencapai tujuan.

Viva La Enlightened!

Ref: https://plus.google.com/117274377744963673645/posts/SThKQniwU26

GAS GAS GAS :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face: